Monday 30 March 2015

IEP Conference

Last Friday, I went on field trip to the IEP Conference. I met my friends Rana and Sossy at 9 o'clock in Don Mills Station. We arrived there at 10 o'clock.
 I visited 2 programs. The first one was Health care and Communication.I met there Katrien, she told me her story when she came to Canada 7 years ago. She made an evaluation and took licence. The second program was Finance and Accounting program. I met  Mr Trevor Buttrin and he told me that I must highlight my education and my experience. Also he told me the important of communication skills, self confidence and organization.
At 12 o'clock I met my classmates to took lunch together.We also took many photos together. It was useful and wonderful day.

IEP Conference
Last Friday,I went on field trip to the IEP conference. I met my friends Rana and Sossy in Don Mills ststion at 9 o'clock.
I attended two programs. The first one was on Health care and Communication. I met Katrien there. she told me her story. When she came to Canada 7 years ago, she had her credentials evaluated and got a canadian licence. The second program was on Finance and Accounting. Imet Trevor Buttrin, and he told me that I must highlight my education and experience. He Also told me about the importance of communication skills, self confidence and organization.
At 12 o'clock , I met my classmates to have lunch together. We also took many photos together. It was an useful and wonderful day.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

I understand what you are saying, but
I wish I could say I agree, but
I would agree with that, but
I think it might be better if we
I hate to disagree, but I really believe that

Monday 23 March 2015

March Break

I asked my friend Talin about how she spent March Break? She told me that she spent funny time with her family. They watched T.V together.On Friday she went to Fairview mall with her family. She met her cousin and spent all that day together and they ate delicious lunch. On Saturday she went to her friend and spent all the day with her.

Friday 13 March 2015

Last Tuesday, one woman came to our LINC to make presentation about First Nation. Her name is Lisa Ward. She is from TRCA.
She said that First Nation named Aboriginal by Canada Federal Government, and includes Indian, Inuit and Metis people. And First Nation people who share similar language are named Algonquuin. She talked also about Chief, who was a leader among the First Nation people of Canada. She showed us some photos of their houses and said some information about  their types.One of these houses is Igloo, this house is snow house built by Inuit of Northern Canada. Another house is Long house, usually 200 feet long and 20 feet high.
It was a wonderful day.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Do this CLB6L task: Take simple routine food orders on the phone or at a drive-through. Write down Batman's order from 1:00 to 1:34. Post it on your blog

Batman's order is number 7 classic combo krispy and diet coke.He used his debit card to pay.

Monday 2 March 2015

IEP Conference

Last Friday, I went on field trip to the IEP Conference. I met my friends Rana and Sossy at 9 o'clock in Don Mills Station. We arrived there at 10 o'clock.
 I visited 2 programs. The first one was Health care and Communication.I met there Katrien, she told me her story when she came to Canada 7 years ago. She made an evaluation and took licence. The second program was Finance and Accounting program. I met  Mr Trevor Buttrin and he told me that I must highlight my education and my experience. Also he told me the important of communication skills, self confidence and organization.
At 12 o'clock I met my classmates to took lunch together.We also took many photos together. It was useful and wonderful day.

Earl Bales Park Trip

Earl Bales Park Trip

Last Friday, I went to Earl Bales Park trip with my classmates. Our teacher told us that every one can go there by his car. I drove my car and put the address Raoul Wallenberg Rd  in my GBS. The park was no far away  from my house. I took my son with me. my son`s name is Moheb. He is 11 years old. He was very happy. The weather was so cold, so I can`t stay in the park long time. I went back my home at  12 O`clock. I spent 3 hours only in this park but it was so fun.

Earl Bales Park Trip
Last Friday, I went on the Earl Bales Park with my classmates. Our teacher told us that every one could go there by car. I drove my car and put the address "Raoul Wallenberg Rd" in my GPS. The park was not far away from my house. I took my son with me. My son's name is Moheb. He is 11 years old. He was verry happy. The weather was so cold, so I could't stay in the park for long time. I went back home at 12 o'clock. I spent only 3 hours in this park but it was so fun.